The Trails

The Trails

The Routes

The Trail Route starts & finishes from Beaver Creek Coffee Estate & Café.

Markers of natural stone painted white with blue or green arrows guide trail users in the right direction.

The trails are suited to both mountain bikers, trail runners and nature walkers of all abilities for exercise, recreation, and education.

All trail users follow the same route and are asked to adhere to the general trail rules for the safety and convenience.

Should you require any assistance on route, our contacts are available on the maps or permit provided at the start.


The Blue Route (full): ±14km follows ALL Blue markers from start to finish.  The Route comprises of a good mix of hand built single track, jeep track and farm roads. Varied technicality along a moderate gradient.  Natural and built obstacles are encountered throughout the route.

The route makes its way through macadamia nut orchards, banana plantations, patches of forest, open grasslands, dams and stream crossings. Panoramic views of the Umtamvuna River Gorge and the Indian Ocean are observed while enjoying the trails.

Green Bypasses and Shorter Loop Options:

Beaver Creek / Benderloch ±2.5km: Start following the Blue Route markers. Choose the “Beaver Creek” markers at the junctions which are both left turns. A fairly easy walk on wide farm roads with a short section of single track through a flat, rocky area of natural grassland.

Clearwater Farm Loop (Inner Route) ±7km:Follow the Blue Route Markers until you reach Benderloch Dam. Choose the first Green Bypass (which excludes the Crags View Loop), then continue to follow the Blue Markers all the way around until you are close to the Clearwater Dam / 2nd Green Bypass (which excludes the East View Loop). Continue to finish at Beaver Creek.

This route option covers a variety of terrain which is predominantly farm roads on a moderate terrain.  A good training workout!

Crags View Loop ±3.5km offers a short climb on gravel road and farm track to an unparalleled view of the Umtamvuna Nature Reserve. The  steady descent is on built single track through grassland and forest, back to the junction close to Benderloch Dam.

The East View Loop ±2.5km is a spectacular extension of the Blue Route for seasoned trail users on predominantly winding single trail track over a rocky escarpment. The views of the Umtamvuna Bridge and Indian Ocean in the distance are a true reward for the trail user’s eyes.   The grassland flowerings in springtime are an added attraction!


Multipurpose Trails

The trails are suited to mountain bikers, trail runners and nature walkers of all abilities for exercise, recreation and education.All disciplines follow the same route, using trail etiquette to ensure the smooth running of trail use.

At the Trail Head

Basic facilities include:
  • Toilets
  • Coffee Shop
  • Private and secure parking
  • Sign in area with register
  • Route Maps and Safety Information with Contact Details for further assistance.

Permit Fees

MOUNTAIN BIKING R40 adult / R20 child under 12yrs
WALK/RUN R20 adult / R10 child under 12yrs

(includes use of Beaver Creek and Clearwater Trails)

Friends and Neighbours of the Trail

eZemvelo KZN Wildlife Umtamvuna Nature Reserve -082 559 2864

Clearwater Farm Venue – 083 321 7494

Clearwater Gorge View Deck – 084 5801010

Villa Dore S/C Guesthouse – 076 062 5307

Bundubashers MTB Club – 079 403 77014